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  • Japan Surrenders ⸺ September 2, 1945

    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    Nearly 75 years ago, the deck of battleship USS Missouri bore witness to the end of World War II.

  • Privateering and the Battle of Groton Heights

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Military Conflict

    During the American Revolution the Americans had a fledgling Navy, made up of the small fleets that each state could muster together. These ships were not able to match the well-trained, battle-hardened British Navy, so the Americans turned to privateers to help in the fight.

  • Confederate Pirates: Capture of Steamer St. Nicholas

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict

    On June 28, 1861, the Union’s first charge of Confederate piracy since the Civil War erupted took place in the Potomac River when the passenger steamer St. Nicholas was captured.

  • USS Mississippi: Ship of the Manifest Destiny    

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict

    Matthew Calbraith Perry guided the US Navy’s transition from sail to steam and shot to shell. It was he who recognized how these new tools would ensure the Navy’s ability to project American trade and power throughout the world.

  • Capture of New Orleans: Farragut’s Rise to Fame

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict

    While it was ever so critical for the Confederacy to maintain control of New Orleans, events elsewhere, especially in Tennessee, resulted in the city having inadequate defenses and naval support. 

  • The First Ironclad Emerges: Battle of the Head of Passes

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict
    • Shipbuilding

    When the Civil War erupted, Confederate Secretary of the Navy Stephen Russell Mallory knew that the South could only counter and defeat the larger US Navy if ironclads were employed.

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