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    • Civil War
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military Conflict

    The USS Roanoke was a Merrimack-class steam screw frigate built at the Gosport Navy Yard. When the Civil War erupted, Roanoke captured several blockade runners and fought during the March 1862 Battle of Hampton Roads.

  • Hampton Roads History: The Founding of Newport News

    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military Conflict
    • Shipbuilding

    In less than 60 years after the end of the Civil War, the city of Newport News was internationally known as a shipbuilding center with excellent port facilities.

  • Conservation Update: Turret Knife

    • Civil War
    • Conservation
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Hampton Roads History
    • USS Monitor

    An update on the conservation treatment for a bone-handled knife found in the concretion of the turret.

  • Expending USS Monitor’s condenser

    • Civil War
    • Conservation
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Technology
    • USS Monitor

    In order to conserve these complex pieces of machinery, a large part of our job is to disassemble them. This allows for appropriate treatment of the different materials.

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