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  • The Capture of Hatteras Inlet

    • Civil War
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    The first combined operation of the Civil War was the capture of Hatteras Inlet. This inlet was used by Confederate gunboats and privateer merchantmen sailing around Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

  • Hampton Roads History – Hilton Village’s Colony Inn

    • Hampton Roads History

    Henry “‘Eddie”’ Huntington decided to use his Newport News Realty Company to revitalize Hilton and construct the Colony Inn. The inn was built at the intersection of Warwick Road and Main Street.

  • A World War II Camp Hill Mystery…

    • Black History
    • Collections
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military

    Discovering the history of Camp Hill, a staging camp in Newport News for black troops.

  • Hampton Roads during WWII: Army Nurse Corps

    • Collections
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Photography
    • Women's History

    The United States Army Nurse Corps (ANC) was formally established by the US Congress in 1901. Women served as nurses in previous wars, but it wasn’t until 1901 that they were officially on Army Payroll.

  • Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation During World War I

    • Collections
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    The Virginia Peninsula was already engaged in wartime work when President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany on April 6, 1917. Local military bases, shipyards, air fields, ports, and people turned their faces toward the nation’s crusade to make the world safe for democracy.

  • The Spanish Flu in Hampton Roads  

    • Hampton Roads History
    • Red Cross

    By mid-September 1918, the first cases of the Spanish Flu were reported, impacting the soldiers, sailors, and workers coming into the Hampton Roads community to support the war effort. Bases and ships had to be built, requiring more workers than Hampton Roads had ever seen before.

  • Hampton Roads during WWII: the WACs

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    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Military Conflict
    • Photography
    • Women's History

    The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) was formed in 1942. It was the first time, and the only group, that integrated women into the United States Military. Around 150,000 women volunteered to serve in the WAC during World War II.

  • Hampton Roads During WWII

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    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Military Conflict
    • Photography

    The Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation (HRPE) was the third largest US Army Transportation Corps port of embarkation during WWII. It served as a hub for the movements of millions of troops between 1942-1946. 

  • Up, Up and Away: Civil War Ballooning in Hampton Roads

    • Civil War
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military Conflict
    • Technology

    The Civil War introduced many new technologies to achieve victory in a total war.

  • Hampton Roads Invaded: The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars

    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military Conflict
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