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  • Working with Broken Glass

    • Collections

    In disassembling this object, we found a second print, a photogravure, hidden inside the frame that someone had used as a backing board. The lithograph then found its way into our Collection with the steamship.

  • Beyond the Frame: A New Way of Seeing

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage

    What our eyes and minds understand – at a distance- as literal, changes with each approaching step we take. What was the solid form of a fisherman in his boat, dissolves into thousands and thousands of fractals of light and color.

  • USS Lancaster Eagle Figurehead

    • Collections
  • Simulated Seas: Raft

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Exploration
    • Recreation
    • Technology

    At The Mariners’ Museum and Park, we believe that we are all connected by the water and by our shared maritime heritage. And through that connection, we are every one of us, mariners. That’s what we say. I’ll be honest with you, though. I didn’t really feel that.

  • Beyond the Frame: Something to Remember

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Exploration
    • Technology
    • USS Monitor

    Art is fascinating in the way that it allows us to peer into the mind of an artist, see the world through their eyes, through the lens of their creativity. But there’s something very special about an artist allowing us to peek into their memory, especially a life changing one like this.

  • Seizing the Moment

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Photography

    Set your eyes on action images that transformed early 20th century photography.

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: Something to Remember

    In this episode, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the recovery of USS Monitor's turret - a story told through this work, a tale to be proud of - to pass on, and something to remember.

  • The Remarkable Mrs. Captain McGuire

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Women's History

    In early 2019, an East Carolina University student, Jacquelyn Hewett, studied one of the figureheads in our Collection for her American Maritime Material Culture history class. The information she uncovered was enlightening and indicated that a change in the attribution of ship name was in order. While confirming her research, I uncovered the story of a wonderfully awesome woman I thought I would share with you!

  • Beyond the Frame: Connection

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Recreation

    In looking at this work, the concept of connection comes to mind over and over. I thought about what connection means to me and my mind immediately went to technology – WiFi, cell service, texts, and email.

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: Connection

    In our constantly connected world of endless emails, and spam calls, it can be easy to take infrastructure and the concept of connection for granted - but what if we didn't have that? What if your means of connecting with family or getting mail or groceries was a ferry?

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