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  • Spider!!!

    • Collections

    Rachel removes a spiderweb from one of the figureheads in our Great Hall of Steam.

  • A New Addition to the Library’s Collection!

    • Art
    • Collections

    There is a good bit of history in the Beazley Collection, with some of the items dating to the early 20th century. Among the objects in this collection are a set of items I think worth mentioning particularly: menus.

  • A New Exhibit Washes Ashore!

    • Collections

    A new exhibit is called “Illustrating the News: Shipwrecks in the Popular Press.” It follows the history of shipwreck imagery in newspapers and periodicals from the 1830s through 1912, a time before the widespread use of photography. Before this period, most publications didn’t have much imagery to accompany their stories.

  • Animal Encounters

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
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