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  • Group Experiences

    We offer a wide range of group experiences for audiences of all ages. Visit us in person and discover fascinating stories of maritime history and culture in our Museum, or absorb the peace and tranquility of the great outdoors in our Park.

  • Be My Mariner? Share a Secret with Your Mariner Valentine

    • Conservation
    • Science
    • Technology

    See how we made secret Valentine's using invisible ink!

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: Everything

    We explore the life of Horace Havemeyer III and how his battle with a rare illness led him to seek art therapy, resulting in a huge body of work. There are times when we find special meaning in looking at the minutiae of a work, but in order to truly understand Horace's work, his life, and his journey, we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: The Essence of a Memory

    In this episode of Beyond the Frame, we explore the essence of memories as represented by Frederick Judd Waugh's 1929 seascape, "Full Tide." In this work, we see how the artist has shown us not just the way this moment looked, but the way it felt.

  • Mariners’ Shop

    Visit our spacious Gift Shop during your visit to find the perfect present for your family, that great coworker, teacher or friend. Or, shop online!


    • Civil War
    • Military
    • Military Conflict
    • USS Monitor

    The Confederate ironclad that fought in Hampton Roads on March 8-9, 1862 had a mixed armament of shell guns, rifled guns, hot shot guns, howitzers, and a ram. This ship was designed to destroy Union wooden warships using these weapons, and successfully did so on March 8. Confederate Secretary of the Navy Stephen Russell Mallory and Naval Scientist Lieutenant John Mercer Brooke were two of the masterminds behind the outfitting of the well-equipped ironclad. 

  • Told in Silk and Thread: The Story of a Chinese Silk Hand-Embroidered Tapestry

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage

    Unpack the ancient stories and rich symbolism weaved into a Chinese silk hand-embroidered tapestry. Crafted with gold-laced thread, this woven textile is a stunning display of figures, flowers, animals, and other symbols representing various Chinese symbolism and mythological themes. 

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