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  • Tell Me About It: What’s in This Boat?

    • Art
    • Photography

    What a lovely photograph of Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. In the background, at the water’s edge, is Pension Worley; Mount Pilatus is far away.

  • Way Back Wednesday

  • The Multicultural Mariner

    • Cultural Heritage

    Multiculturalism incorporates ideas, beliefs, and people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. This theme is built around our mission: we connect people to the world’s waters, because through our waters – through our shared maritime heritage – we are connected to one another.

  • Virginia Waterways and the Underground Rail Road

    From 1830 to 1860, the City of Norfolk was the center of maritime activities in Hampton Roads as the Port of Virginia. These waterways transported goods to points North and enslaved human beings to the Lower South to work on cotton plantations. Yet, these same waterways that condemned so many to hard labor, separating families and causing so much pain, were also used to secure freedom for thousands through a locally autonomous system that fed into a national underground railroad network.

  • Churchill’s American Arsenal

    Ferreiro shares stories of how the Liberty Ship and the Landing Ship Tank brought vital arms, supplies, and troops to the front lines across the globe, culminating in Allied victories.

  • Holiday Happenings at The Mariners’

    • Holiday

    Have you been scouring the internet for family-friendly holiday events? Are you searching for meaningful ways to give back to your community? Did you run out of gift ideas for your loved ones? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, look no further — head to The Mariners’ this holiday season!

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