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  • A Mindful Walk in the Park

    • Mariners' Park
    • Recreation
    • Wildlife

    Mindfulness. What comes to mind (no pun intended) when you hear this term? Some might think of certain religions, or yoga, maybe meditation. For some, when this term gets thrown around, the first reaction is groaning and a roll of the eyes. For others, this term is like an unfathomable goal – something that they think they can never achieve.

  • Digital Horizons: Photographing the Peter Ifland Collection

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Photography
    • Technology

    This past year we undertook a project to photograph all 275 instruments in the Peter Ifland Collection. Here’s how it went!

  • Beyond the Frame: To New Beginnings

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Photography

    In this notable edition of Beyond the Frame, we explore the story of the 613-foot passenger Liner, S.S. Virginia, and the dedicated shipbuilders who, for over a century, made these feats of engineering a reality. We immerse ourselves in the unforgettable experience of watching as the ship begins to slip free of the ways. And, we discover what it's like to experience this moment of culmination from current shipbuilders who have spent decades working with these amazing vessels alongside their fellow shipbuilders. Read the full blog for exciting news about happenings at The Mariners'!

  • Cultural Heritage

    Cultural Heritage Conservation focuses on the preservation of physical objects from human history, ensuring that the stories, concepts, and traditions associated with them will live on so that future generations can continue to learn from them.

  • B is for Buttersworth

  • I Must Be Outta My Gourd

    • Community Engagement
    • Mariners' Park

    For centuries, cultures around the world have turned this gift from nature into water dippers, bowls, masks, baskets, jewelry, and musical instruments. The Museum offered workshops using gourds as a canvas for creative projects.

  • “Taps,” Bugles and Military Memorials

    • Cultural Heritage
    • Military

    Have you ever wondered how the bugle call “Taps” came to be used at memorial services for military personnel? As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day, I thought it would be fitting to explore how this practice began.

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