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  • Personal touch!

  • What else?!

  • Lancaster Eagle Scavenger Hunt

    • Collections
    • Photography

    This is where our colossal eagle figurehead was sitting in 1933 when buyers for the Museum found it. Wouldn’t it be fun to walk through this store? Think of all the treasures you might find.

  • Working with Broken Glass

    • Collections

    In disassembling this object, we found a second print, a photogravure, hidden inside the frame that someone had used as a backing board. The lithograph then found its way into our Collection with the steamship.

  • Mariners’ Wildlife

    Mariners’ Park and Lake is a safe haven for wildlife in urban Newport News. With the help of community partners, The Mariners’ works to preserve the habitat of many species and research and catalog native populations.

  • Steaming Ahead!

  • Princess Carolina Update: Treatment Testing and Small Artifact Work

    • Conservation
    • Science

    We’ve spent quite a bit of time over the last year or so researching treatment options for the Princess Carolina timbers that have acidic areas.

  • Remembering their Sacrifice: The 77th Anniversary of D-Day

    • Military
    • Military Conflict
    • Photography

    All along the 50-mile Normandy coast there are places and moments for remembering the sacrifice made by the allied forces. As a photographer I was struck by the contrast between the modern beaches, and the horrific battles that occurred in 1944. Most days the beaches were near empty or filled with groups of tourists, much like they might have been before the war

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