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  • History is in the Details

    • Art
    • Collections

    The Mariners’ Museum and Park has thousands of prints in our collection, and one of my recent projects has been to catalog the prints and engravings from a German book titled Meyer’s Universe, or Illustration and Description of the Most Remarkable and Strangest Things in Nature and Art all over the World.

  • With a Zoologist’s Eye

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Exploration

    What happens when a zoologist/biologist applies his powers of observation for studying animals to the study of boats? For Alfred Goldsborough Mayor it meant producing a body of work that has given researchers and museums some of the best historic documentation available on the construction of a variety of Pacific island sailing canoes.

  • “Taps” and the Crew of USS Monitor

    • Military
    • USS Monitor

    Did the crew of USS Monitor hear “Taps” when it was played for the very first time?

  • USS Hatteras: The First Warship Sunk by CSS Alabama

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict

    When President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a blockade of the entire southern coastline, the US Navy only had 93 warships, and almost half of these were outdated or unusable. So, the US Navy went on a buying spree purchasing every steamer that could mount cannons. One of these vessels was the St. Mary which was soon commissioned as USS Hatteras.

  • Ben Butler and the Contrabands

    • Black History
    • Civil War
    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    Frank Baker, James Townsend, and Shepard Mallory seeking their freedom, made their way onto Fort Monroe. Butler refused to return the runaways and called them ‘Contraband of War.’ Their decision helped transform the Civil War into a conflict between the states and a struggle for freedom.

  • Hampton Roads History: The Founding of Newport News

    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military Conflict
    • Shipbuilding

    In less than 60 years after the end of the Civil War, the city of Newport News was internationally known as a shipbuilding center with excellent port facilities.

  • The Lost Story of the Marcus Garvey Movement in Newport News

    • Black History
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Hampton Roads History

    Who was Marcus Garvey? Learn more about his significance not only to Black history and the world, but specifically to Newport News.

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