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  • Katharine Cornell: A Legend of American Theater

    • Collections
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Military
    • Women's History

    Katharine Cornell was a leading lady in American theater; eventually she led the charge for New York’s American Theatre Wing to perform Broadway shows for troops stationed in Italy during World War II.

  • The Pilot Boats of George Steers

    • Collections
    • Technology

    George Steers designed boats that changed the face of naval architecture forever.

  • Beyond the Frame: The Rescuers

    • Art
    • Beyond the Frame
    • Collections

    “Unidentified Coast Guard Vessel” by Hunter Wood is a 1943 oil on canvas. It was exciting – crisp, and idyllic in an adventurous way, showing the Coast Guard in action. Their clean, well kept boat breaking heroically through the daunting wave, the guardsman on the bow.

  • Celebrating Women’s History Through Needle and Thread

    Saturday, March 18, 2023 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

    Join us for a special program as we celebrate Women’s History Month to recognize women’s contributions to history, culture and society.

  • Beyond the Frame: The World Beyond

    • Art
    • Beyond the Frame
    • Collections

    At many times in our lives, things are very rarely what they seem to be. We tend to look around, quickly form an opinion, and move on. But all that truly gives us is an often inaccurate version of reality. But if we stop and take the time to observe and learn, we can see the bigger picture. I have to admit, when I was first introduced to the world of maritime art, I was quick to judge.

  • Beyond The Frame: The Fun of It

    • Art
    • Beyond the Frame
    • Collections
    • Women's History

    While I was looking for information on a different painting, I saw this one of Anna Vaughn Hyatt (later to be Huntington). I was enamored with it and when I discovered the artist behind this painting, Marion Boyd Allen, is female, I might have done a little happy dance.

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