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  • USS Monitor Wellington Boot Re-Treatment

    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    This treatment is a “re-treatment.” Occasionally, we’ll have an object that needs to be re-treated for various reasons. In this case, the Wellington boot was on display in our Monitor Center gallery. It is one of two boots from USS Monitor excavated from the turret and is the most complete of the pair.

  • Fabulous Fotos: Meet Cricket, the mighty tinclad

    • Military
    • Photography

    Upon first glance, this vessel appears to be just another steamboat. But tinclad vessels? Sounds a bit wimpy to me. It turns out that Cricket has a great history, albeit not significant, in the American Civil War.

  • Making Friends With A Masked Bandit…

    • Mariners' Park
    • Wildlife

    A fun story about some raccoons in our Mariners' Park!

  • Are You Shore You Want To Do That?

    • Mariners' Park
    • Wildlife

    Have you ever taken a visit to Lions Bridge and wondered why there are “No Trespassing” signs stopping you from sun-bathing on that oh-so-tempting perfect little river beach? The short answer is to prevent shoreline erosion and protect wildlife.

  • What Makes a Champion Tree?

    • Mariners' Park

    Did you know Mariners’ Park is home to a national big tree? This tree is the biggest of its kind in the NATION! Right here in Newport News!

  • Make a little birdhouse in your….tank farm?

    • Conservation
    • Wildlife

    We’ve had our fair share of animal interactions in the Conservation Lab. With the Park surrounding the Museum, and the tank farm (outdoor tanks for storing large objects) so close to the woods, we expect to get the occasional turtle, goose, or squirrel coming to inspect our work. What we didn’t expect was to have a several-year-long battle with….bluebirds.

  • Dahlgren Gun Tools: an In-Depth Look at Treatment, Part II

    • Conservation
    • Science
    • Technology
    • USS Monitor

    In this blog post we’ll continue the discussion about one of USS Monitor’s gun cleaning tools, and the conservation treatment it has undergone.

  • “In the Land of Submarines”: Moving Nishimura-style no. 3746

    • Conservation
    • Military
    • Technology

    We can handle a lot of heavy lifting with our staff, but sometimes we need to call on outside experts for help. Such was the case with No. 3746, a Japanese mini-submarine designed by Nishimura Ishimatsu. We needed to lift the sub onto a custom cradle and relocate it.

  • Abuzz with Activity in the Bumblebee Learning Garden

    • Educational Enrichment
    • Mariners' Park
    • Wildlife

    If you are planning to visit the Museum and Park and want to explore a fun place, please consider passing by our lovely Learning Garden. We chose plants that bloom at various times of the year (namely spring, summer, and fall), and many plants are in full bloom right now. One of the most impressive and wonderful bee attractors is the purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea).

  • Can I Get a Connection? Laying the Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 1955-1956

    • Photography
    • Technology

    Sixty-five years ago this summer, the laying of the first transatlantic telephone cable was completed. The project was jointly supported by American Telephone & Telegraph Company, the General Post Office of the United Kingdom and the Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation.

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