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  • Beyond the Frame: Connection

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Recreation

    In looking at this work, the concept of connection comes to mind over and over. I thought about what connection means to me and my mind immediately went to technology – WiFi, cell service, texts, and email.

  • HRPE: The American Red Cross

    • Collections
    • Military
    • Photography

    The Red Cross played a vital role in maintaining morale and the mental health of those in the military, especially those abroad. During World War II, the Red Cross was the only civilian service organization authorized to work with overseas military personnel, and in fact began providing aid to civilian victims of the war in Europe before the US entered the war in 1941.

  • Hunting with the Amazons

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Exploration

    Well…probably not the kind of Amazons you’re thinking about, these were the Amazon-class steam screw sloop’s HMS Daphne, Dryad and Nymph of the Royal Navy and the “hunt” occurred off the East Coast of Africa as they worked to suppress the African slave trade.

  • From Waters to Mariners’, The Making of a Lake

    • Mariners' Park

    Did you know Virginia has only two natural lakes? The rest are man-made, including our very own Mariners’ Lake! It holds the title as the first, and the oldest, project started on the grounds of The Mariners’ Museum Park.

  • Another day, another Dahlgren!

    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    Today’s question seems like a simple one – how long is a Dahlgren Shell Gun?

  • Lots of Mud, a Battleship, a Ferry, a T-shirt, High Tides, and a UFO.

    • Collections
    • Military
    • Military Conflict
    • Technology

    What do a Battleship, 1950, mud, high tides, a Hudson River Ferry, a T-shirt, and a UFO all have in common?

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