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  • Engaging Youth with Planting and Discovery

    • Educational Enrichment
    • Environmental Conservation
    • Mariners' Park

    The goal of the B-WET program is to have students grow native grasses (Vallisneria americana) in the classroom and plant those grasses in Mariners’ Lake to help sustain the health of the Lake. During the year, students also learn about local Chesapeake Bay environmental issues and solutions, eventually leading to the creation of a hands-on action project to address a problem in our community.

  • Tied up in rope conservation and more! 

    • Conservation
    • Science
    • USS Monitor

    Something we seldom mention here is the time we spend doing maintenance on large tanks in the Wet Lab as well as in the “Tank Farm”. This summer, we took care of three large tanks located outside and two large tanks inside the Wet Lab.

  • Desalination: Because rust never sleeps

    • Civil War
    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    Electrochemical treatment set-ups need constant attention in the “wet lab” and outdoor tanks, and environmental conditions in dry object storage also require our steadfast attention.

  • Group Tours

  • Mock Sea Battles

  • Financials

  • A New World … Explored and Colonized

    What made Europeans want to explore? What problems did they encounter? What kind of relationships existed between the Europeans and the American Indians?

  • USS Monitor

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