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  • Way Back Wednesdays

    Today’s Way Back photos take us to the early days of this park.

  • Tell Me About It: Colonial Line Pier

    • Photography

    Taken from the water, this 1930s photograph offers a spectacular view of the Colonial Line pier with New York City in the background.

  • Hidden Histories: The Quest continues…

    • Black History
    • Collections
    • Hampton Roads History
    • Hidden Histories

    “Hidden Histories” is a Museum project designed to give names, agency, and interpretation of unidentified African Americans in our Collections through genealogical research and community engagement.

  • “In the Land of Submarines”: Moving Nishimura-style no. 3746

    • Conservation
    • Military
    • Technology

    We can handle a lot of heavy lifting with our staff, but sometimes we need to call on outside experts for help. Such was the case with No. 3746, a Japanese mini-submarine designed by Nishimura Ishimatsu. We needed to lift the sub onto a custom cradle and relocate it.

  • Come see our new Clean Lab Observation Area 👩‍🔬🔬

    If you've ever wondered what exactly goes on behind closed doors at a Museum, now is your chance to cure that curiosity!

  • Museum

  • The Power of Water: Celebrating National Poetry Month and Earth Day

    • Art
    • Collections

    Poetry provides a unique glimpse into the past, present, and future. The vibrant words written on a page project a scene in our minds strung together by words, emotions, and memories from our own experiences and imaginations.

  • An Uplifting Story: Recovering Monitor’s Artifacts

    • Civil War
    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    On December 31, 1862, USS Monitor was caught in a storm and sank 16 nautical miles off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in more than 230 feet of water. It is believed the vessel went down stern first, turning over so that its revolutionary 120-ton revolving gun turret separated and became pinned under the ship on the seafloor.

  • HRPE: The American Red Cross

    • Collections
    • Military
    • Photography

    The Red Cross played a vital role in maintaining morale and the mental health of those in the military, especially those abroad. During World War II, the Red Cross was the only civilian service organization authorized to work with overseas military personnel, and in fact began providing aid to civilian victims of the war in Europe before the US entered the war in 1941.

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