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  • External Researchers Benefit Museum

    • Collections
    • Community Engagement
    • Exploration

    Having outside experts use our collection to research their own projects is a great thing because even though it’s sometimes inconvenient and frequently time consuming it ALWAYS yields some new information about an object or image in our collection. This was especially the case in November when two researchers, Kevin Foster and Emir Yener, showed up to research Civil War era blockade runners and nineteenth century warships.

  • Protecting Mariners’ Lake

    Learn about all of the ways we are protecting and preserving Mariners' Lake through water quality monitoring.

  • Governance

  • Desalination: Because rust never sleeps

    • Civil War
    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    Electrochemical treatment set-ups need constant attention in the “wet lab” and outdoor tanks, and environmental conditions in dry object storage also require our steadfast attention.

  • William Henry Bartlett and his Steamship Adventures

    • Art
    • Collections

    William Henry Bartlett was a prolific artist who traveled the world to produce images for illustrated travel books from the late 1830s through the early 1850s. Learn more about the printed engravings of his artwork in the collection.


    • Civil War
    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    CSS Alabama, commanded by Captain Raphael Semmes, had spent nearly two years capturing and destroying 65 Northern merchant ships and whalers. There were seven different expeditionary raids from the Eastern Atlantic to the Java Sea and back near where the vessel had been built.

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