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  • Commerce Raider CSS NASHVILLE

    • Civil War
    • Military Conflict

    CSS Nashville played an important role in the Confederate search for European recognition.

  • Hampton Roads City Nature Challenge, April 30 to May 3, 2021

    • Mariners' Park
    • Wildlife

    Do you and your family have cabin fever? Do you want to participate in community science efforts in Hampton Roads? Do you love The Mariners’ Park and other natural areas around our region? Well look no further– we have the event for you!

  • Make Like a Tree and Leaf!

    • Mariners' Park
    • Recreation

    Today is the first day of autumn! We’ve finally made it to the best season! The weather is cooler…or it will be, and the leaves will soon start to show off on the trees! Here in the Park, we have some gorgeous fall colors that you can’t miss. Bu

  • Capture Of Forts Henry And Donelson

    • Civil War
    • Military
    • Military Conflict

    This campaign began the Civil War career of ‘Unconditional Surrender’ Grant.

  • Not Your Average Joe

    • Photography
    • Recreation
    • Women's History

    Marion Barbara “Joe” Carstairs would be the first to tell you that she was “never a little girl.” Joe saw a lot of racing success, taking the trophies at several competitions in Southampton and Cannes. In 1925 Joe became “the fastest woman on water” during the Duke of York’s Trophy, a four-and-a-half mile race down the Thames. 

  • Diamond Rock: A British Thorn in Napoleon’s Backside

    • Collections
    • Military

    Learn the amazing story of the British Royal Navy’s fortification and occupation of Diamond Rock, a small island off the coast of Martinique, during the Napoleonic War.

  • Welcome to Kourou! Colony of Death

    • Art
    • Collections

    Discussion of France’s disastrous attempt to colonize French Guiana in 1763-1765.

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