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  • The Mystery of the Frankenphora

    • Collections
    • Conservation
    • Cultural Heritage

    Amphorae are terracotta containers used for trade as their unique shape allowed them to fit snugly together in a ship’s hull. Since the Neolithic period, this shape has been in use and migrated to Europe during the first millennium BCE.

  • From Camels to Cobangs

    • Art
    • Collections
    • Exploration
    • Photography

    In the catalog I noticed a Japanese pillar clock, called a shaku dokei, up for auction. While updating the value I noticed a name on the clock’s storage box—’C. E. Thorburn, USN’. Whenever I run across a name, especially one this unique, I immediately try to see if I can uncover the history of the original owner.

  • The Spice World During the Age of Exploration

    Examine navigational instruments used by the Europeans during the Golden Age of Sail.


    • Art
    • Collections

    In this edition of Beyond the Frame, we explore the emotionally complex act of waiting - especially for the return of a loved one. In the painting we see a women and child standing on a cobblestone walkway looking out to see. How long have they stood here waiting? Who are they waiting for? Will they ever return?

  • History is in the Details

    • Art
    • Collections

    The Mariners’ Museum and Park has thousands of prints in our collection, and one of my recent projects has been to catalog the prints and engravings from a German book titled Meyer’s Universe, or Illustration and Description of the Most Remarkable and Strangest Things in Nature and Art all over the World.

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