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  • BEYOND THE FRAME: The World Beyond

    This mysterious ca. 1898 work by famed ship portraitist Antonio Jacobsen breaks the mold of what we might think of ship portraits and challenges us to look deeper and ask questions in search of the truth.

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: Connection

    In our constantly connected world of endless emails, and spam calls, it can be easy to take infrastructure and the concept of connection for granted - but what if we didn't have that? What if your means of connecting with family or getting mail or groceries was a ferry?

  • BEYOND THE FRAME: Something to Remember

    In this episode, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the recovery of USS Monitor's turret - a story told through this work, a tale to be proud of - to pass on, and something to remember.

  • USS Lancaster Eagle Figurehead

    • Collections
  • USS Monitor Skeg Elements Move

    Watch our Conservation team move USS Monitor's skeg elements out of their treatment tanks and over to our tank farm where they will undergo dry-ice cleaning.

  • Native American Heritage Month

    Among the world-renowned treasures found at The Mariners’ Museum and Park is the Edwin Tappan Adney Canoe Model Collection. Explore what can be learned about Native American history, heritage, and culture through the stories these boats tell. Edwin Tappan Adney (1868-1950) was an American-Canadian artist, writer, and photographer. His obsession was the history, use, and construction of the bark canoe.

  • Remembering RMS Titanic

    This life vest is believed to have been recovered from the body of one of the 1,500 passengers who perished on that icy night. This solemn piece reminds us of the panic, heartbreak, and pain so many had to endure that evening and beyond.

  • Chinese Silk Tapestry

    Our Conservation and Collections teams pulled this amazing Chinese silk tapestry out of storage to photograph it and learn more about its unique story. They discovered something really cool along the way... and, we can't wait to uncover more.

  • Fore-edge painted books

    These magical books are known as Fore-edge painted books, they are very rare and are painted through a specific, delicate process. The fore-edge paintings are sometimes added later than the publishing of the book, so the exact date of them is unknown.

  • Aluminum Kayak built to escape Cuba

    To escape the totalitarian regime in Cuba, an auto mechanic and his wife secretly assembled a boat from hoarded pieces of aluminum and a lawn mower engine.

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