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  • Chinese Silk Tapestry

    Our Conservation and Collections teams pulled this amazing Chinese silk tapestry out of storage to photograph it and learn more about its unique story. They discovered something really cool along the way... and, we can't wait to uncover more.

  • Fore-edge painted books

    These magical books are known as Fore-edge painted books, they are very rare and are painted through a specific, delicate process. The fore-edge paintings are sometimes added later than the publishing of the book, so the exact date of them is unknown.

  • Aluminum Kayak built to escape Cuba

    To escape the totalitarian regime in Cuba, an auto mechanic and his wife secretly assembled a boat from hoarded pieces of aluminum and a lawn mower engine.

  • Animal Encounters

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
  • A New Exhibit Washes Ashore!

    • Collections

    A new exhibit is called “Illustrating the News: Shipwrecks in the Popular Press.” It follows the history of shipwreck imagery in newspapers and periodicals from the 1830s through 1912, a time before the widespread use of photography. Before this period, most publications didn’t have much imagery to accompany their stories.

  • Artifact(s) of the Month-Bathing Suits

    • Collections

    The museum has a large and varied collection of artifacts, which surprisingly includes bathing suits. This is a small sample of the types of bathing suits we have in our collection that have been worn throughout the past century.

  • Artifact of the Month- White Star Line

    • Collections

    This “Artifact of the Month” is a piece of china from the White Star Line. The White Star Line was a prominent British shipping company and today is most known for its ship, RMS Titanic.

  • A True Tale of Loss, Return and Thanks

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage

    Welcome back Blackfish Dart, object number WH 38!! Returning to the museum after a 58 year vacation that had you traveling from Newport News, Virginia to Tennessee and then back again!!!

  • Visiting Family History

    • Collections
    • Community Engagement
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