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  • Lectures

    At The Mariners’, we are proud to offer a diverse set of lectures that cover a wide range of popular maritime topics. Guests can choose from a variety of program formats for many of our lectures, including in person, virtual, and livestreams.

  • On the Same Team: LGBTQ+ in the Navy

    • Cultural Heritage
    • Military
    • Women's History

    While the military at this time was officially against allowing LGBTQ+ identifying people into the military, they also were desperate for more service members. So in some ways, there was a similar mentality to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of the 1990s and 2000s.

  • Fabulous Fotos: Timeless Beauty

    • Photography

    Cyanotypes can evoke a timeless quality, particularly when the subject matter is similarly aligned. This delicate image is all the more beautiful because of this process.

  • Tell Me About It: What’s in This Boat?

    • Art
    • Photography

    What a lovely photograph of Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. In the background, at the water’s edge, is Pension Worley; Mount Pilatus is far away.

  • HRPE in WWII: Hawaii comes to Hampton Roads!

    • Cultural Heritage
    • Military
    • Women's History

    While the Women’s Army Corps was founded on May 15, 1942 (then the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps) they did not recruit women living in Hawaii until October of 1944. This was because Hawaii was technically still a territory, and did not become a state until 1959.

  • USS Monitor Wellington Boot Re-Treatment

    • Conservation
    • USS Monitor

    This treatment is a “re-treatment.” Occasionally, we’ll have an object that needs to be re-treated for various reasons. In this case, the Wellington boot was on display in our Monitor Center gallery. It is one of two boots from USS Monitor excavated from the turret and is the most complete of the pair.

  • Fabulous Fotos: Meet Cricket, the mighty tinclad

    • Military
    • Photography

    Upon first glance, this vessel appears to be just another steamboat. But tinclad vessels? Sounds a bit wimpy to me. It turns out that Cricket has a great history, albeit not significant, in the American Civil War.

  • POSTPONED: Who was the Civil War’s first POW?

    Friday, April 14, 2023 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM


    Watch how we collaborated with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS), and the University of West Florida to scan and 3-D model some of Monitor’s recovered artifacts. This helps us put history in the hands of our community!

  • Celebrating Women’s History Through Needle and Thread

    Saturday, March 18, 2023 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

    Join us for a special program as we celebrate Women’s History Month to recognize women’s contributions to history, culture and society.

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