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Sarah Puckitt

Curator of Photography

Latest from Sarah Puckitt

  • The Pontoon–Hydroplane Boat: A Motor Boat Built on Airplane Principles

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Photography

    Is it a boat? Or an airplane? Perhaps both. Thomas Lake's patented pontoon-hydroplane boat is a testament to the imaginations of past inventors whose ideas paved the way for future vessels.

  • Tell Me About It: What’s in This Boat?

    • Art
    • Photography

    What a lovely photograph of Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. In the background, at the water’s edge, is Pension Worley; Mount Pilatus is far away.

  • Lancaster Eagle Scavenger Hunt

    • Collections
    • Photography

    This is where our colossal eagle figurehead was sitting in 1933 when buyers for the Museum found it. Wouldn’t it be fun to walk through this store? Think of all the treasures you might find.

  • Fabulous Fotos: Timeless Beauty

    • Photography

    Cyanotypes can evoke a timeless quality, particularly when the subject matter is similarly aligned. This delicate image is all the more beautiful because of this process.

  • Seeing Similarities in Unlikely Places

    • Collections
    • Photography

    Even though I work in a maritime museum, my art training still brings a sense of wonder to certain images. I know that this photograph is documenting a step in a process, but this was not my initial response to this image.

  • Fabulous Fotos: Meet Cricket, the mighty tinclad

    • Military
    • Photography

    Upon first glance, this vessel appears to be just another steamboat. But tinclad vessels? Sounds a bit wimpy to me. It turns out that Cricket has a great history, albeit not significant, in the American Civil War.

  • Tell Me About It: Protective Gear or Telecommunication?

    • Photography
    • Technology

    Imagine my surprise when I found out that this contraption is a Speaking Tube–I had cataloged it as a gas mask. The photograph is World War I vintage (that’s my excuse!).

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