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Jeanne Willoz-Egnor

Curator of Maritime History and Culture, Director of the Ifland Center for Exploration

Latest from Jeanne Willoz-Egnor

  • External Researchers Benefit Museum

    • Collections
    • Community Engagement
    • Exploration

    Having outside experts use our collection to research their own projects is a great thing because even though it’s sometimes inconvenient and frequently time consuming it ALWAYS yields some new information about an object or image in our collection. This was especially the case in November when two researchers, Kevin Foster and Emir Yener, showed up to research Civil War era blockade runners and nineteenth century warships.

  • A ‘Portable Hole in the Sea’

    • Collections
    • Shipbuilding
    • Technology

    Hampton Roads is a pretty amazing place. Besides being one of the most important ports on the East Coast, it’s also been a cradle for innovation.

  • Baptism at the ‘Waist of the World’

    • Collections
    • Military

    When planning this year’s Gallery Crawl I decided to include a station focusing on a well-known seafaring tradition: the line crossing ceremony. If you’re asking yourself “what the hell is a line crossing ceremony?” and are planning to attend the Crawl let me just say you are in for a real treat!

  • Tornado Saves Capital (and Steals Anchor for Museum!)

    • Collections
    • Conservation
    • Military

    The anchor, a large Old Plan kedge anchor, had been recovered from the bottom of the Patuxent River near Point Patience, Maryland in 1959 by US Navy divers from the Naval Ordnance Laboratory Test Facility. Luckily, despite spending 145 years underwater, the anchor was in fairly pristine condition and retained many of its identifying marks.

  • Hunting with the Amazons

    • Collections
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Exploration

    Well…probably not the kind of Amazons you’re thinking about, these were the Amazon-class steam screw sloop’s HMS Daphne, Dryad and Nymph of the Royal Navy and the “hunt” occurred off the East Coast of Africa as they worked to suppress the African slave trade.

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