Although I am a little late with the announcement, we recently had a new art exhibition open, titled “B is for Buttersworth F is for Forgery“.
The idea is that you can wander around the gallery enjoying the art of James Edward Buttersworth, who was a fantastic maritime artist, while also trying to see if you can spot which is the forgery, for there is only one.
Buttersworth (1817-1894) was born in England, but emigrated to the U.S. in the late 1840’s where he settled in New York City. He is well known for his paintings depicting scenes from the America‘s Cup race as well as scenes from New York’s harbor. Butterworth’s father, Thomas Buttersworth, was also a maritime painter and you can find two of his works in this gallery as well.
After you’ve studied the paintings, it is then time to choose which you believe to be the fake. You get three strikes and then you are out on our computers (shown below), but of course you can try again as many times as you like.
Another really fun aspect of the exhibition is just around the corner from the computers and is a make your own painting activity. On the wall is a blank maritime scene (if no one else has played with it yet) next to which are magnets. You can use these magnets to create your own maritime painting (as seen below). I’m sure visitors have been enjoying this and I know that the staff has. B is for Buttersworth will be up until April 26, 2015.