That’s right folks, it’s almost turret season! We will be draining the turret tank on July 31st, and from then on it’s turret all day, every day for those of us in the conservation lab. And trust me, we’re all very excited to get back in the turret again!
You may remember from our previous blog posts that last summer we worked on removing all of the nutguards from the interior of the turret. This summer we’ll be assessing the status of the nutguards and possibly even dry ice blasting them, so stay tuned for more nutguard updates!
Last summer we also installed a fantastic and more efficient anode rig for the turret, which helps to speed up the process of desalination and remove those pesky chlorides. Over the next few weeks we will check on the anodes, and see how this new system has improved the conservation process.
August is certainly going to be an exciting month for us conservators, we can’t wait to share with you everything we find in the turret tank! So check back for updates on how the turret work is going through the month of August. And don’t forget that Museum Admissions are only $1 until Labor day, so if you’re in the area, stop by and check out the conservation process for yourself!