I am happy to say that since my last report on our stolen archival pieces, several more have returned, with many more to be returned shortly. I have been scanning my little heart out to get all of these pieces done in good time so we can send the scans back to the people. I’ve also had to look to our awesome photography department for the pieces that are too large for me to scan. Without further ado, here are some more returned pieces!!
Two booklets, one for the christening ceremonies of SS United States on June 23 1951 in Newport News, Virginia. The second for the launching of Santa Paula of the Grace Line on January 9, 1958, also in Newport News, Virginia.
The first is a photographic postcard showing SS Berlin docked in Newport News, Virginia. The second is a photograph of SS United States on the ways in 1950.
Here are two more photographs, showing Chicago (left) and Empress of Britain (right) with dazzle paint. The one of Chicago particularly shows off the paint job.
Then we have a White Star Line ad for the ships Majestic, Teutonic, Germanic and Britannic. I’m not sure, but I think the image on the front might be Teutonic.
Here we have a New York & Cuba Mail Steamship Company pass from 1928 and a brochure.
To add a splash of color on here, we have two ad cards. One from the Mallory Line with service between Florida, Nassau & Cuba and the other from the Inman Steamship Company.
Hopefully I will have more to share soon!!